Friday, November 9, 2007

November 5-9 - Nice, Fr. and Warsaw (Pl)

Trip to my 3GPP standards meeting, with an EU tour. I got to Nice on Sunday evening, had a nice car accident on Tuesday, then flew to Warsaw to find a gloomy and snowy weather. Spent the week in boring and tiring meetings. Will be leaving for Ljubljana (Slovenia) on Saturday morning. Wait, did I say I had a car accident?? Yes, I did, but I did not get hurt, fortunately. Here's a posting of how it happened. It was a miracle I did not kill the jerk.
Viaggio ad uno dei miei tipici meeting, incluso un tour dell'Europa (x lavoro). Sono arrivato a Nizza domenica sera, ho avuto un bell'incidente d'auto martedi', poi martedi' stesso sono volato a Varsavia per trovare un tempo griogio, triste e nevoso. Me ne vado a Ljubljana (Slovenia) sabato mattina. Aspetta un attimo: ho detto che ho avuto un incidente d'auto? Purtroppo si, ma per fortuna non mi sono fatto male. Vi allego delle immagini su come e' accaduto. Per miracolo non ho ucciso lo str.... che l'ha causato.

1 comment:

liztaylor said...

HI you cute blond angel...who knew???? I guess what I have always heard is true..."if you love cats, like to wear a dress, then......" I am so happy you were not hurt in your crash...the stupid jerk...I will tell you, you story looked very funny in

I am anxiously awaiting your visit to Texas and getting a big ole Italian hug..I have missed you so much..luv from me to you...Mama Liz